Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Up, up and away...

in my beautiful, my beautiful ballooooooon!  I am so excited!  I have wanted to go up in a hot air balloon for awhile now.  It is even on my list of 33 things to do this year.  So when my sister said she wanted to do it too--that really got the ball rolling and practically the whole family got involved!

It was such an amazing experience.  We went with the Vista Balloon company, one of the only hot air balloon experiences in Oregon.  We arrived bright and early (5:45am!) and helped blow up the balloons.

First, you roll them out, it's amazing how big they actually are:

Then you fill them with hot air (watching out for the flames!):

And then you tip it right side up and get in!  It does get a bit warm inside the balloon basket when they fire it up:

Here's some of the other balloons that were already in the sky:

It was such an amazing experience and so much fun with my family!  The views from the balloon were breathtaking.  In all, about five balloons took off that morning.

Here's a picture of our reflection over the water:

The weather was perfect--it didn't rain at all while we were out!

Our balloon pilot was actually the owner of the company!  He was an expert at landing--so we ended up landing right where the champagne brunch was taking place!  No need for a balloon chase vehicle for us:

After we landed, we deflated the balloon.  Then it's like rolling up a super long sleeping bag and stuffing it into a bag:

I had such an amazing time and I will always remember our balloon trip!


  1. Oh my gosh, that sounds and looks like so much fun! It's awesome how putting what you want out into the universe can result in such an amazing experience. Cool!

  2. Wowzers! This looks like such an amazing experience!

  3. oh wow! what fun! i've always wanted to do anythign high up in teh air like that- hot air baloon- skydiving, etc- but my husband i think is a little afraid... ehhehehe. :) i wil live through your pictures! ehhehehe! :) thanks of sharing! :)

  4. AMAZING!! I really must make a similar list. I think it's a brilliant idea!

  5. Oh FUN!! Lucky you, what an amazing experience! You look rather calm for being hundreds of feet up in the air ;)


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