Monday, January 9, 2012

Mission McCall Mondays: 9100-9110

My regular 'Mission McCall Mondays' post series seems especially appropriate this month! For those of you new to the series, my goal is to update the Vintage Pattern Wiki so that it's complete for all McCall patterns from mid 1936-1940.  I am admittedly behind in uploading these to the Wiki but I know I'll get there soon.  All of the patterns this week are from 1937.  The pattern envelopes were uploaded into the pattern Wiki by great online pattern seller.  The other images (alas just the images not the patterns) are from my own collection.

We start off this week with a  pattern already in the Wiki, McCall 9100:

I really love this pattern between the double collar, the neat rows of buttons up the front to the interesting sleeve details, I think it's just perfect!

Next up this week is an image from my own collection for McCall 9101:

Here's where I get sucked in by amazing drawings.  How cute is this number in the stripes?  I just love it when there is an option for stripes to be cut out going multiple ways!  And if you can see in the lower right hand corner, this pattern comes with a little swing jacket too!  Perfect for the beach.

9102 is for a classic boxy men's shirt pattern:

I find the button placket/front yoke really interesting on this pattern.

Next up is an adorable two-piece tunic dress, McCall 9103:

Pictured in a beautiful lace overlay with an adorable bow.  I don't know about you, but I'm a big fan of tight 1930's sleeves and this one has great sleeves!

The 9104 dress pattern is also already in the Vintage Pattern Wiki:

I see this type of collar a lot on the 1936 and 1937 dresses.  I really love how it buttons in the back.  It almost looks like the back is also a blouse front!

Onto our first gown this week, McCall 9105:

It may be hard to tell from the photo but the lace gown has an adorable peter pan collar.  Isn't the back great?  Super sexy yet subtle.

I've found no image for the 1930's McCall 9106 (though I did find tons for the 1950's McCall's 9106) so it will be added to my missing images list.

I do have an image for McCall 9107:

This dress has an interesting design feature in that it appears as if the middle of the dress can be done in contrasting fabric and topstitched down the sides??

I really like the next dress, McCall 9108:
I think what I like best about the dress is the clever use of the print material with the lace trim.  Here's a close-up of the pattern back:

I think having the lace peak out like this in the back is such a great idea!

The last pattern image this week is McCall 9109 (with a bonus McCall 9060 image on the right):

This one is not my favourite--though the sleeve shape is interesting.

Ok, so which one(s) do you like best?  I think my three favourite (in order) are 9108, 9100 and 9105.

Missing images so far:  9011, 9012, 9013, 9017, 9040, 9041, 9050, 9062, 9073, 9082, 9088, 9106 and 9110. If you want to contribute to the Mission McCall--just email me the images or pattern covers and I'll update them in the Vintage Pattern Wiki.  myhappysewingplace[at]googlemail[dot]com.


  1. So many great choices! I think my favorite is 9105, but I need fantastic place to wear it :)

  2. I would love to make 9102 for my husband and 9108 for myself. I just came across an old pattern in my stash. #4066 from the modern pattern company its a very interesting blouse. It was in an envelope with some eyelot transfers that advertised Dressmaking Made Easy by Eleanor Chalmers...

  3. I like the 9101 with the stripes best, I think! Thanks for sharing these!

  4. Wow - I really love the evening gown!

  5. oooh I love the gown! Very elegant!

  6. 9103, 9105 and 9108! It's the sleeves with fullness at the top of 9103 that does it for me! The gown is elegant but alluring and the last would be a lovely day dress but I think I'd put the sleeves from 9103 on it! Yup, I'm in love with the sleeves!

  7. Ohhh that pattern McCall 9108 is so cute!

  8. I also would like to make the shirt for my husband! so much so I went straight to look if I could find it, no luck, I'll keep an eye out though, thanks for sharing!

  9. How funny, I've just bought 9107 on etsy only to find it here! I absolutely loved that front detail, both in the smart version and the everyday one (same but done in a print with shorter sleeves, with a fold detail on the sleeves).

    The other patterns you have here are just as lovely though. These posts are heaven, thank you!

  10. You know years ago I really did not care at all for the 20s/30s. But now I just adore them! My love for the 30s is rivaling my love for the 40s! Never thought that would happen.

    Oh, these patterns are so scrumptious!

  11. I am in love with 9105! Thanks for sharing these!

  12. So pretty! You just reminded me that I have one of the McCall patterns from 1939. Unfortunately the pattern is woefully incomplete. It's McCall 3211, a blouse. I'll send the picture when I take it!

  13. I love the 9101 pattern! Kudos to you for sewing so many beautiful garments! I wish I had the time!

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