Friday, March 9, 2012

Materialise Sewing Cafe Launch Party

Materialise Sewing Cafe Window, Photo credit: Will Patterson via Materialise Facebook Page

This last Thursday, I had the opportunity to attend the launch party for Materialise, the newest sewing cafe in Edinburgh.  This place is seriously AMAZING!  I met loads of great people at the launch event and I look forward to attending some of the workshops and social events.  I even ran into Rachel who blogs over at The Crafty Traveller as I was leaving!

First and last photos via Materialise Facebook page

The sewing hub was created by Reese and Brigitte (pictured above), who are just the nicest ladies.  They've already got workshops set up to sew the Colette Peony dress and other projects.  Plus, you can rent out the space as well (hmmm....sewing meet-up?)  I'm loving that they have sewing machines and overlockers you can rent by the hour too!

Check out their website and send your support by liking Materialise on Facebook.  I am VERY excited to see more sewing places opening up in Scotland and look forward to supporting this independent sewing cafe! 


  1. You are so lucky! Learn and teach as much as you can. I hope you can meet lots of new friends. We don't have anything like this around here. We did have a place that shut it's doors three years ago, I wonder if the US just has fewer people interested in garment sewing, I don't know but have fun!!!!!!!!

  2. A sewing cafe? wow I've never heard of such a thing, sounds fantastic!

  3. I didn't know about this!  How exciting!  Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wasn't it a fun night. Those gals are going to do great things I'm sure, they are both really lovely and friendly. It's so to see sewing become more accessible - I want everyone to love our hobby as much as I do!

  5.  Sewing
    Cafe? Wow, that sounds amazing! A perfect place for meet-ups. Pity it´s so far
    from here, I want one sewing cafe in Czech Republic too! :)

  6. I would love to operate one of these myself at a permanent  location, but don't think my local area could support it.  I will look forward to hearing updates from you on their progress.

  7. oranges_and_applesMarch 10, 2012 2:06 PM

    Oh yeah! I saw the sewing bee had opened just before I left as well. I will definitely do more sewing when i return to Scotland in august!

  8. So cool!  I wish we had something like that here, alas.  Alas.  

  9. Hey Debi, thanks so much for coming along last week and for your wonderful words!  We were delighted to meet you and hope to see you again soon!


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