Monday, January 14, 2013

Scotland Sundays: The Birthday Edition

This is the special birthday edition of the Scotland Sundays series!  Of all the places in Edinburgh, I wanted to go to the Grassmarket area for my birthday.  Grassmarket is located south-east of Edinburgh Castle.  You can actually see the Castle perched on the hill from the area.  Back in the day, the square used be one of the main markets for horses and cattle (and hence the name).  On a more gruesome note, the square was also used for public hangings.  In the photo above you can see a pub called 'Maggie Dickson's Pub' (it's in the middle next to 'Biddy Mulligans').  According to legend, Maggie Dickson was hanged in a public execution here.  When transporting her body after the execution, they realized she wasn't dead.  Since under Scots law she had already paid the price for her crime by hanging, she was able to go free.  She earned the nickname 'half-hanged Maggie' and that's when they added the words 'until dead' to the hanging sentences.

Perfect place for a  Today, it's a beautiful square with lots of scenic buildings.

These photos were taken around 3:30pm!  We are definitely in the dark of winter now.

One of the main reasons I wanted to go to the Grassmarket area is that it has some of my favourite shops including K1 Yarns Boutique where I signed up for a crochet class (so excited!)

Then we stopped by one of my absolute favourite stores, Fabhatrix.  Fabhatrix is a hat boutique with hats made by local milliners.  There are so many beautiful styles.  David bought me the same style of hat that I am trying on in the last picture of this collage, except mine is a chocolate brown colour.  What a lovely birthday present! Unfortunately, none of the photos came I'll have to do a proper photoshoot with my hat (making a dress to match, of course!)

After Fabhatrix, we went two stores down to W. Armstrong and Son, the best vintage store in Edinburgh.  I just love having a look around.  I don't buy much vintage (unless it's accessories like hats, gloves, shoes, etc.) since I prefer to make my own clothes, but I did find a bunch of vintage zippers for 20p each--so I grabbed a handful for future dresses.

We didn't get any proper photos of the dress under my coat, but I wore my 1950's Butterick 'Celebration' dress.  There's something about red velvet which says 'special occasion'.

I had the perfect place to wear it!  David took me to a birthday dinner at The Witchery by the Castle. It was fantastic.  The restaurant is beautiful with wood panelling all around, candles and fantastic food.

YAY! What a great birthday!  Thanks to my sweetie for taking me out on the town :)


  1. A very Happy Birthday to you Debi, so glad you had such a nice evening out. Your red dress reminds me of one I made some time ago, mine had a similar line with long sleeves. Memories. Anyway, can't wait to see photo's of your hat.

  2. Happy Birthday, Debi. All the best for a wonderful year.
    (I am looking forward to seeing the birthday dress you choose to go with your birthday hat!)

  3. Happy Birthday Debi.  I looks like a beautiful town you and David live in.  What an amazing hat selection!  And enjoy your crochet classes.  I can't wait to see what you make there.  

  4. Happy Bday! Nice presents%)! 

  5. Happy Birthday to you - it looks as though you had a lovely time!  My sister used to live on the road that leads up to Stirling Castle and the cobbled streets and buildings look very similar to those in Edinburgh - and there used to be a yarn shop close by.  Maybe it is part of the Scottish town planners remit!!

    1. Wow! That is so funny... Wouldn't it be great though if all town planning had to include a picturesque castle or mansion and a nearby yarn and fabric store?

  6. Happy birthday!!! Looks like you had a fab day. I really need to go to Edinburgh. Your pictures are always amazing.

  7. Happy birthday! I visited Edinburgh last year and I spent a happy day exploring the Grassmarket. I went to Knit1 and Armstrong's but stupidly didn't go in Fabhatrix. I'm looking forward to visiting Edinburgh again some time...

    1. Isn't the Grassmarket area fabulous! You must come visit again and go to fabhatrix!!

  8. Happy birthday!  Have visited Edinburgh a couple of times and feel an affinity for it, probably because my mother's family was all Scottish (I am a first generation South African).  Will be using your Scottish Sunday articles to plan a tailor-made itinerary for my next visit;  thank you for being a specialist tour guide!

    1. Fantastic! I am hoping to get some Scotland Sunday excursions outside of Edinburgh soon! When it's cold, I just want to stay close to home... Lol...

  9. Fun! Well, I guess I have to stop complaining about it getting dark in Michigan at 4:30-5:00 in winter. Didn't realize just how much further north Scotland really is!

    1. Yes, it's a pain in the winter when it's so dark but I think the summers make up for it when it stays light until 11pm! I love that!

  10. I've read about The Witchery and I dream of the day I can splash out on a few nights accommodation there - it looks like an absolutely magical place! Happy birthday! :) 

    1. It's amazing! I would so love to stay in their hotel! It looks stunning!

  11. Hippy pappy bhuthdy! :-) What a celebration! Red velvet is definitely celebratory - and I love your coat, too. I'm sure the new hat looks great with it!
    I love how the K1 store stores some yarn in buckets. If only I could pull that off in my own home!

  12. Alyssa OpishinskiJanuary 14, 2013 3:06 PM

    Happy birthday ma'am! I love that hat! Someday I will have to come to Edinburgh and buy everything, it all looks so scrummy!

  13. Yay, happy birthday!  What a gorgeous dress!  I visited K1 and W. Armstrong a few years ago when I was in Edinburgh.  It's such a nice little area!  

  14. The Grassmarket would be a lovely place to spend a birthday! I spent almost all of my in Edinburgh exploring the Grassmarket. You're lucky to have it at your constant disposal! 

  15. Hurrah for the Fabhatrix mention! The milliner's daughter is one of my best friends and I feel so proud to have even such a tentative connection to such a marvelous place. I still have photos on my camera from last year, waiting for me to write up a post about the shop... You might have just inspired me to bump it a little higher up my list of pending posts!

  16. Lovely dress! 
    I'm really enjoying a look around Scotland. It's been a place I've wanted to go to for years. It's neat seeing from a sewer's perspective!

  17. Happy Birthday! and thanks for the tips on shopping in Auld Reekie! That hat shop looks fabulous a must see on my next trip through. Your pics are wonderfully atmospheric.

  18. Happy Birthday! What a way to spend it - yarn, vintage, and hats. So fun!

  19. Debi_myhappysewingplaceJanuary 14, 2013 11:30 PM

    That is so neat!!! It's such a fantastic place...I just love all their creations!  Definitely let me know when you write your post...I'd love to get more of an insiders perspective on the shop!  The hats are A-MAZING....

  20. Debi_myhappysewingplaceJanuary 14, 2013 11:31 PM

    I forgot to mention that I also went to the fabric store that day too...hahaha! So even better...yarn, vintage, fabric and hats!  What more could a gal want?

  21. Debi_myhappysewingplaceJanuary 14, 2013 11:32 PM

    You should definitely come to's a great place!! Best times to visit are April and May...the sun always seems to come out then :)

  22. Debi_myhappysewingplaceJanuary 14, 2013 11:32 PM

    I had no idea you came to Edinburgh a few year's ago....that's great!  Definitely let me know if you come for another visit :)

  23. Debi_myhappysewingplaceJanuary 14, 2013 11:33 PM

    Oh yes! you must come to Edinburgh!! You would LOVE it!!

  24. Happy belated birthday! Looks like a special day with all the right things enjoyed!

    And those late afternoon shots of the city streets are amazing!

  25. Belated happy birthday. I love Grassmarket in Edinburgh. It's enough out of the way to be quieter than Princes St, etc. As for the Witchery, I'm jealous, I've always wanted to eat there, but never actually made it. Lucky lady!

  26. What a marvelous birthday!!  I'm excited to see you modeling your new hat - well done, David!  

  27.  Absolutely!  I'd love to meet you (especially since I missed the NYC meetup)!  I wasn't into sewing yet when I visited, although I had just started knitting, so I picked up a few skeins of Scottish yarn when I was there.  It's such a gorgeous city!  I loved exploring it!  My old college friend was going to grad school there.  :)


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