Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2013 Resewlution Completed!

Photo from Karen's blog: Did you Make That

Back in January, the wonderful Karen who blogs over at Did You Make That? had a brilliant idea to collect all the resewlutions from the sewing community, or all those things sewing-related that we wanted to complete during 2013, and provide a space to, erm, keep us accountable.

Here was my response and resewlution:

And for once in my life, I've actually kept my resolution!! woohooo!  I expanded a bit on the resewlution from sewing just 5 dresses to, oh let's say sewing the entire 1940 McCall catalogue of patterns (about 550 patterns--over multiple years)...but that's beside the point!

Here's a look back on my seven (woohoo) new 1940 McCall dresses:

McCall 3820: The 'Scottie' Dress

McCall 3939: The 'Hiatus' Dress

Here's a round-up of all my 1940 McCall Project Makes:

And I am still loving this project!!  It's so much fun to see how the patterns translate into real-life garments....stay tuned for my newest 'Fall for Cotton' make!


  1. I love seeing all of your dresses (so far) together like this - it really goes to show just how fresh and wearable they all are. You manage to capture the essence of the forties whilst making them modern. So glad you are still loving this project, because I sure am and can't wait to see more of your 1940 makes!

  2. Wow! great to see you making so much progress on your personal challenge :o)

  3. It's fun to see them all together! Just curious, it look like M3939 and M3908 are very similar, yes?

  4. Impressive! My favorite is 3744. I look forward to your Fall for cotton garment.

  5. Congrats on getting your sewlution done! I'm excited to see how many 40s dresses you have made! Keep up the good work!

  6. Amazing! I am so enjoying this project.

  7. Wow! They're all absolutely gorgeous although my favourite is still your red crepe dress. Its just divine! And only 543ish dresses to go!

  8. Oh Debi, these dresses are all so beautiful! I lurrrrrve the black one and the red one in particular. So gorgeous! Your wardrobe must be overflowing with so many gorgeous frocks xxx

  9. What a lovely clutch of dresses. My favourite is the bright side dress .... Just gorgeous.

  10. Gosh Debi, well done! Not only did you keep your resolution, but you have some absolutely stunning dresses to show for it. I love're so very talented!

  11. This post is so inspiring! You always pick the best patterns, and the dresses always comes out so amazing ;) You are truly talented!

  12. Debi, these dresses are all lovely! Well done on keeping your resolution (something I'm not good at either) you have some wonderful additions to your wardrobe.

  13. Congrats to you and all of your beautiful dresses! :)

  14. What a wonderful collection, they are all beautiful. I love the colour of the Summer days dress.

  15. Your dresses are so gorgeous and inspirational! My daughter was going through my patterns yesterday and asked if we could have a "It's Sew Friday" and sew after school. I'm excited about her idea and for our bit of girl time!

  16. Oh, and I wanted to say I am so honored to be a new sponsor of your blog. I can't imagine the dedication to sew through the entire 1940s McCall collection. Your talents truly bring these patterns to life!

  17. All of your garments are super gorgeous!! I can't wait for your Fall for Cotton outfit!

  18. What fun! I'm so glad you chose this resolution (and project) because it's been so lovely seeing these dresses come to life!


I read each and every comment--thank you so much!