Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sew Grateful Week: My Giveaway

YAY! Super excited that Sew Grateful Week has arrived.  Today is the Giveaway Day…so post your giveaways today or anytime this week and be sure to stop by and put a link to your blog post!

I'm very happy to giveaway two things that are near and dear to me!  First, I'm giving away 2 metres of your choice of Weaving Destination cotton fabric.

If you've been following my blog for awhile, you'll know that Weaving Destination is an amazing initiative that I am very lucky to be involved in that provides sustainable livelihoods for a collective of women weavers in Assam, India.  Read more about it here.

Secondly, a lucky winner will receive their choice of a 1940 McCall pattern.  As you are probably aware, I am endeavouring to collect and make all the McCall patterns from 1940.  Now, it just so happens that I've also been collecting some of the patterns specifically for giveaways!  One lucky reader will get their choice of McCall 3659 (fabulous cape pattern) in size small (B32-34) or McCall 3730, a dinner gown in size B36:

To Enter:
Just leave a comment and let me know 1) what colour fabric you want and 2) which pattern you would like.  I will ship anywhere in the world.  Leave a comment by Friday midnight GMT time and I will randomly pick a winner!  Good luck and have a happy start to Sew Grateful Week!


  1. Wow I would be sew grateful to win! But good luck to all that enter. I like the green fabric and 3639 is one of my dream patterns.

  2. I'm with Dawn on this one. I love the green fabric and pattern 3659 (the cape). Thank you for hosting this!

  3. I love the pink fabric and the cape pattern! Thank you for having such a generous giveaway!

  4. I looove the pink fabric, it's gorgeous! I suspect if I don't win, I'll end up buying some anyway. And the 3730 is super cute too.

  5. Loverly fabric and patterns! I would love to put my try in for the pink and white Weaving Destination fabric and that gorgeous dress pattern! The front is so cool, i can't stop staring! Luckily nobody is actually in front of me wearing it. :) I will be posting and linking up my giveaway on Monday (tomorrow).

  6. Such great giveaways! I'm in love with the orange and brown fabric, and the McCall's dinner gown pattern.

  7. Finally a giveaway that is perfect for me! I love the mauve/orange stripe fabric, those are my colors! I also love the cape pattern! I used to have the most amazing black cape that got lost in moving, and I have been wanting to make a new one to replace it. This would be perfect!

  8. Oh, thank you for the opportunity to win one of those wonderful prizes! I would dream of either the mauve/purple and orange fabric to sew with or absolutely love the McCall dinner dress pattern 3730!

  9. Oh goodness! Those are great giveaway items! I like the mauve and orange fabric best. As much as I love the dinner dress pattern I would pick the cape pattern. I don't have anything like it. :) Thanks for the giveaway!


    Emily's Vintage Visions

  10. Hi Debbie! You are very generous. I love the middle fabric - it looks brownish on my monitor but I think it is described as purples. I'll leave the patterns for someone who can really appreciate them.
    Have a lovely week - are the days getting longer now?

  11. I love the green pattern and the cape pattern. Thanks for the chance!

  12. Hgggnnnnn OMG THAT CAPE. How did you KNOW I have been searching for 40s cape patterns lately?
    Want to win this so badly!
    And the cotton - well it has to be green doesn't it.
    So pretty!

  13. What lovely give-aways! I would love either of the patterns if I'm lucky enough to be chosen:)

  14. Pink and cape!!! But to be sewn separately...

  15. Thank you for hosting the give away!
    I'd love the mauve fabric and the dress pattern!

  16. I like the green fabric and the cape pattern. Thank you for the generous giveaway!

  17. I really like the Deep Burgundy and gown pattern!

  18. Oooh! Exciting choices! I love the middle fabric - reds and burgundy and the cape pattern - thank-you so much for hosting this!

  19. I love the pink fabric and the Cape pattern.

  20. Lovely, giveaway; tough choices! I'd love the middle mauve/purple/orange fabric and secondly, the charming cape pattern. Thanks and happy sew grateful week!

  21. I love the pink fabric and the dinner gown. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  22. I love the green fabric and the dinner dress pattern is my favorite.

  23. Wow!! I have to get my sew grateful post up, but Thank You for such awesome giveaways - That cape pattern looks heavenly!!!! And The orange/brown fabric is delightful ;)

  24. I love the dinner dress pattern. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  25. Gosh, how lovely of you! I love the pink and white fabric, and the dress pattern! And I'm sure that lots of people are grateful for all that you do and share, like I am!

  26. The green striped fabric and McCall 3730

  27. I love the weaving destinations fabrics - what a lovely prize. I would go with the green striped fabric, and the cape pattern is adorable.

  28. Oh my gosh that dress is GORGEOUS!!!! Oh oh please put me in the draw for it!! And the pretty pink fabric. :-)

  29. Oye what a generous give-away!
    I would love to get my hands on the McCall 3865 dress pattern and the fabric in mauve/purple. *fingers crossed*

  30. Oh how lovely. If I win I would like the green fabric and the beautiful cape pattern please. Fingers crossed :-)

  31. I love the green fabric and the cape pattern is adorable :) Lovely giveaway and fingers crossed

  32. What a lovely giveaway :) I'd love the green fabric and the dress pattern is gorgeous.

  33. Oh, what a lovely give away! I would love to have the mauve/purple fabric and the misses' dinner dress pattern!

  34. Either pattern and pink fab...or no fabric both patterns. Your generosity has given us a dilemma!

  35. Gorgeous giveaway! I'd love the green striped fabric and the cape pattern :)

  36. Thank you for this giveaway! If I won I would want the brown striped fabric and the evening dress pattern.

  37. As always, so generous! I'd love to have the dress pattern and the brown striped fabric, if I'm that lucky and win! xxx Mary

  38. Thanks for the giveaway. I adore the bright pink fabric and am cooing over the dress pattern.

  39. Oh sew beautiful! The cape patterns is amazing! and - The pink fabric!

  40. Wow such lovely fabrics!!! Can't yiu incision a wonderful cape in the green stripe!!!

  41. Oooo beautiful fabric! I love the green and am drooling over the dress pattern.

  42. Gorgeous! drooling over the green stripe fabric!
    Check out my Giveaway, too -
    Vogue 8546 - Five Easy Pieces (8-10-12-14)

  43. What a great giveaway! I would love to swan around in a gorgeous cape... and the pink fabric is beautiful! (all are beautiful frankly!)

  44. Wow - such a great giveaway :) I've drooled over the mauve/purple and orange fabric ever since you made your dress - the yoke is fantastic! And I love the cape pattern - so chic. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  45. Wow, that green fabric is incredible! And I love the dress pattern - all those gathers! Thank you for an awesome giveaway.

  46. Ooo, these are so beautiful! I'm going to be dreaming about that dress pattern! I honestly don't know which fabric is the nicest, they are all so dreamy! Possibly the green wins it, but a photo finish. A truely lovely giveaway!

  47. I would love the green fabric or the dress pattern. What a lovely giveaway!

  48. Oooh fab giveaway! The green fabric is gorgeous and the evening dress pattern is fab!

  49. I would like the green striped fabric, and the beautiful 40s dinner gown! Thanks for this giveaway :)

  50. The green fabric and the cape pattern! Thank you!

  51. I would love the rust stripe fabric and the gown pattern. What lovely items for a 'giveaway'

  52. Thanks so much for the giveaway! I would love the green fabric, and the cape pattern is great!

  53. Wow! What a fabulous giveaway! I would love some of the pink and white fabric. That cape pattern is pretty amazing too.
    Thanks for hosting such a lovely week! I am Sew Grateful to you!

  54. I would love the pink cotton! And I looove the cape pattern! x

  55. Thank you soo much for the giveaway! I love the pink and white fabric and the cape pattern looks so elegant.

  56. What a fantastic giveaway. I think the orange / purple fabric is great. I love the cape pattern too.

  57. Oh my goodness! What a generous giveaway and what a difficult choice! I think I like the pink fabric best. And I've just got a 1950s vintage cape pattern, so I'd go for the dress!

  58. Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway, I love the pink fabric and the cape pattern is sumptuous and would look amazing in soft green velvet. If I don't win, this pattern is on my wish list, or I may try self drafting a copy.

  59. Ohmigosh! All the fabrics are gorgeous but the Anila teal and salmon fabric is really speaking my language! That cape pattern is also extremely dear. This giveaway is fabulous, thank you for your genorosity. :)

  60. the green fabric and cape would be lovely, thank you for giveaway xx

  61. I love that green fabric and I'd love to make that dinner dress pattern.

  62. Such a great giveaway! I would choose the dress pattern and the purple striped fabric.

  63. Oh green and that gorgeous gown!

  64. I think the dress would look stunning in the green :o)

  65. The brown/ orange. The cape would be awesome!!!!

  66. I love the green fabric and would probably go with the dress pattern.

  67. What an awesome giveaway! I love the pink and white fabric and the gown pattern.

  68. Lovely giveaway Debi! I would love the green fabric and the cape pattern if I won! Thanks for hosting!

  69. The pink fabric, and the dinner gown! Looking forward to sew grateful week!

  70. Thanks so much for hosting this whole wonderful week! I'd love to win the pink fabric and either pattern would be a phenomenal addition to my collection!

  71. I love the green cotton fabric and Mc Call 3730! Thanks for the giveaway!

  72. Thank you for hosting this giveaway with really awsome fabrics and patterns! If I had to choose I would definately pick the green striped fabric as it inspires me for something folklore and summery! And as for the pattern, i think the dress, seems very flattering! :*

  73. Thank you for hosting the giveaway. I would like the pink fabric and the gown.

  74. Oh! The dinner gown makes me think so much of my grandma who passed away when I was in third grade. I'd love that pattern! And the fabrics are hard to choose from - I think I'd say pick, although they are all neck-and-neck. Thanks for the giveaway and the whole Sew Grateful Week idea - I am participating on my blog.

  75. I love that red, and am in lust with the dress: McCall 3730, a dinner gown in size B36 :)

  76. Thank you for the giveaway, I really enjoy your events. I like the gown pattern and the pink fabric.

  77. What a fabulous giveaway :) OOh... such pretty fabrics. I like the green one. And as for the fabulous patterns, that dinner gown is a beauty :)
    Thanks for hosting such a great week!

  78. Thank you for your giveaway, i like red/brown fabric. Beautiful. I don't care about patterns, they are pretty and feminine, but not my style and doesn't suit my current lifestyle, I would happily pass them on for someone, who would really appreciate them.

  79. Wow, that brick red fabric would make a gorgeous skirt, and the dress pattern is beautiful!

  80. Hi Emily! Congrats you won the gown pattern and fabric!!! Send me your details at:

  81. Congratulations Emily! I'm happy for you ☺


I read each and every comment--thank you so much!