I'm a little bit behind but am really enjoying putting these together! So, I am happy to present to you, Ms. January...
Ms. January has her initials embroidered onto a blouse in a color complimenting her skirt.
The inspiration for Ms. January is my grandmother, Marvel and a photo of her from high school in 1942 (she is still as beautiful today!):
Can you see her embroidered blouse? So cute! And don't you love her hair? I must have her show me how she did it!
Here's my version (the embroidered letters are much smaller and my blouse is a darker color):
A close up of the blouse in color:
I found the blouse at a charity shop and then had a local shop in St. Andrews do the embroidery. It is so great, I am hoping to get lots more blouses done!
Here's a close-up of the hair with the crazy curls:
I followed this pin-curl set I found on the Beauty is a Thing of the Past blog. It definitely made my hair very curly! Though in the future, I probably won't include so much hair in the bang set (I ended up pinning half the bangs into the side rolls).
And the whole outfit with the skirt I recently made:
Stay tuned for Ms. February and Ms. March (hopefully both in March!) :-)