Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Goodbye our sweet little Ebi

Yesterday we said goodbye to our dear little Ebi.  She was a ray of sunshine in our lives.  A sweet, gentle soul.  She loved people, she loved playing, she loved sleeping under blankets and duvets, she loooooved purring, she loved her daddy and she really loved cheese.

She had one crooked whisker, was notoriously hard to photograph and loved standing with her two front paws on a desk, chair or table.

She never left her Papa's side.  He would pull up a chair for her when he was working at his desk and she would perk up the minute he opened the door when he came home.  It was in his loving arms that she passed away yesterday.

I keep expecting to see her beautiful face everytime I walk around a corner.  There aren't really the words to express how much we feel her loss.  She brought so much love and joy into our lives.

We miss you so much, Ebi.  We are so happy you came into our lives.



  1. I am so sorry for your loss, Debi! Losing a pet--especially a charismatic cat!--can sometimes hurt harder than losing a human friend or relative. :(

  2. Aw Debi I'm so very sorry, you've got some very happy and positive memories though.  Sending you a big hug. xx

  3. Oh Debi, I'm so, so sorry. It's just devastating losing a family member, and I firmly believe pets are family. Big hugs to you both. xxx

  4. So sorry. Losing a pet is incredibly difficult. Sending love to your little family. 

  5. Oh no :( So sorry to hear this -  she was such a treasure by the looks of things. Big hug x 

  6. oooh, sorry to hear such sad news...

  7. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye. These four-legged creatures are such treasures.

  8. I'm so sorry.  My heart breaks whenever I hear of someone loosing a beloved pet.  x

  9. Debi, I am so sorry for your loss.  This kind of loss cuts very deep as they are always committed to us 100% no matter what. 

  10. So sorry to hear this :( We lost beloved pet a month ago and it was the fifth pet I have lost. It is always hard, they are family members as any human would be.  When we lost our previous cat we lasted only about a month without a new pet. They are such joy and sunshine in our lives. Rest in peace little Ebi, and hugs for you both!

  11. Debi, I'm so sorry you lost her - I lost a dear cat this past summer as well and understand. They just work their little way into our hearts. 

  12. I'm so sorry for your loss, Debi and David. Ebi looked like such a sweet little cat, I know you'll miss her so much x 

  13. oh that's just horrible news.. i'm really sorry for your loss.. she was so adorable, my first and most loved childhood cat looked the same

  14. I'm so sorry for your loss, Debi. She was a darling little cat.

  15. awwww Im so sorry for your loss. I too lost my black kitty years ago, he was amazing. She looks so precious in all these photos

  16. I am so sorry for your loss. Animals have their own special way of making themselves part of our lives. You and David will have an Ebi-shaped hole in your memory for a long while. I am glad you were able to enjoy this cat for as long as you did.

  17. My deepest sympathies.  Losing one of your furry kids is heart-breaking.  My thoughts are with you and your husband.

  18. Miss Crayola CreepyMay 08, 2012 6:56 PM

    I am so sorry. xoxo

  19. What a sweet & beautiful little cat she was! I'm so sorry for your loss, Debi ♥

  20. All the best to you and yours, It is heartbreaking to loose such a close friend.  I'm glad you have some lovely photos of wee Ebi, what a sweetheart, she looks like such a cute cuddly wee friend :) x

  21. Oh dear, Deb - my heart goes out to you. Losing such a family member hurts so much.

  22. Vintagevisions27May 08, 2012 7:41 PM

    I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never easy saying goodbye to our furry friends.

  23. Absolutely heartbroken for you both xxx

  24. I'm so sorry for your loss - it's so hard to lose our four legged babies!

  25. Christine NewtonMay 08, 2012 8:04 PM

    Awww I'm so sorry to read this! Thinking about you two and Ebi <3

  26. I really feel for you both. I'm still missing my Maverick 1 1/2 years after he died in our arms so suddenly.  I'd like to think he is up there keeping Ebi comany and showing her where the best fish (and cheese) is at! xx

  27. What a lovely tribute to your beloved Ebi, I'm so sorry for your loss.

  28. I'm so sorry for you! It's always so hard when you have to let your pet go. *hugs*

  29. Gosh, my heart aches reading this. So sorry. Said goodbye to my old friend just before Christmas and sobbed my heart out for days. Ebi looks like a real character with her big saucer eyes. She's really beautiful. Big hugs to you.

  30. I'm so sorry for your loss.  Goodbye Ebi.

  31. I'm so sorry. :( It sounds like she was so precious and you have lots of great memories together. My own cats are getting on in years (they're 16) and I dread the day either of them has to go. My heart goes out to you and David.

  32. So sorry to hear of your loss, sending hugs your way x

  33. aww, so sorry for your loss =(

  34. Oh no!  I'm so, so sorry.  :(  Thinking of you two.

  35. Oh dear... I'm so sorry for your loss.  I started tearing up as I was reading your post.... the furballs get me every time.  She seemed to be quite the sweetie.

  36. So sorry to hear about your kitty, Debi.

  37. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so tough losing a furry family member. Especially because you are used to seeing them all the time. The house just feels empty without them. *hugs*

  38. Oh Debi, I'm so, so sorry for your loss!

  39. So sorry for your loss Debi - sending big hugs to you both x

  40. So sorry for your loss Debi, must be devastating for you both x my thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Jenni

  41. Oh Debi I'm so sorry to read about your loss. Condolences to you and David

  42. Oh, goodbye little Ebi. What a beauty. That is so sad. I just hate saying goodbye to my little babies. I'm so sorry for you and David.

  43. Mistress CatgirlMay 08, 2012 11:44 PM

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I know the feeling of expecting to see them around the corner. It's heartbreaking. Just know that she is somewhere happy and loving.

  44. I'm so sorry Debi, I'm thinking of you, just rest assured that you obviously gave your precious kitty the most love-filled life she could ever have had.

  45. SO very sorry to see this sad news.  Our furry friends are so special in our lives.  Sounds like she had a loving personality and a loving time wit you both.

  46. I'm so sorry for your loss... my thoughts are with you and David right now!  xxxx

  47. Sorry to hear that, are thoughts are with you.

  48. Hope you and David are okay Debi. 

  49. I am also very sad to read these posts. It sounds like you gave Ebi a very loved and happy life.

  50. Oh Debi, I'm very sad for your loss. Animals have such a way of sneaking their way into our hearts and planting themselves firmly there don't they? 

  51. I am so sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose a member of the family, even furry children, but I'm sure her time with you was wonderful, and she wouldn't have had it any other way. You are in my thoughts.

  52. Rachel ProffittMay 09, 2012 2:33 AM

    Oh Debi, I am so sorry for your loss.  I know that some pets just are a presence in our lives.  I am sure Ebi was greatly loved, and will be missed. (((((((Debi and David))))))

  53. Sean MacKenzieMay 09, 2012 2:41 AM

    Debi, David, I'm so sorry to hear about Ebi. The four legged babies come into our lives and settle in and become one of us, apart of us. And when we must say good-bye it's heartbreaking. My heart goes out to both of you. I've had to say good-bye to one of my four legged babies and I still mourn for him.

    :::hugs and prayers:::

  54. I'm so truly sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a furry family member is never an easy thing, especially when they're your whole world.  
    Much love and light to Ebi and your family. 

  55. I'm so sorry to hear about this, Debi.   

  56. Melissa BorromeoMay 09, 2012 3:04 AM

    I'm so sorry you lost your sweet baby girl.  She was sure lucky to have you two for a mama and daddy.

  57. I'm sorry that you lost Ebi, pets do bring so much happiness in our lives :( Don't lose heart!

  58. Tanit-Isis SewsMay 09, 2012 5:59 AM

    I'm so sorry. If Ebi is short for something, I think she shares a name with one of my daughters. So sorry.

  59. My deepest condolences to you and David! This was heartbreaking to read, but I'm glad you had the time you did with her. After I read this, I had to go give Walnut a big squeeze. 

  60. Oh Debit, this bought a tear to my eye. :( Big hugs to you all

  61. Oh kitty kitty - It's so sad that she's gone. They bring so much love and joy don't they? I'm holding back tears at work, it's the hardest thing to lose a fur-baby. *hugs*

  62. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

  63. I am so sorry for your loss. Pets play such a huge part in our lives. It's heartbreaking when they leave us.

  64. I'm so sorry for your loss, she looks beautiful in these photos and was very lucky to have two exceptional people for family

  65. My heart goes out to you both over the death of your beloved Ebi.  They are 'only' cats but they are lovable and do love us humans. Wishing you best wishes to help you cope
    with this loss.

  66. I so understand how you feel, these little fury things take up so much space in our lifes, my thoughts are with you.

  67. JessieheningerMay 09, 2012 12:29 PM

    I am so sorry. They are so much apart of our lives loosing one hurts. Your in my thoughts.

  68. Heart-felt condolences to you both.  When they leave us the empty space can only be filled again by remembering how wonderful they were in our lives.  I love hearing about how she touched your lives.  So sweet.  May Ebi rest in peace.  - your cat loving friends in Norway

  69. Thank you, Debi for the beautiful post - you said it all far better than I could have.   The photos are lovely.

    Thank you everyone for your heartfelt comments and warm support.  They are a great comfort.

    - David

  70. Thank you, Jennifer.
    She got in very deep even though our time together was short - a testament to the beauty of her being.

  71. I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

  72. I am so sorry, Debi, my condolences. 

  73. Megan GrandstaffMay 09, 2012 5:29 PM

    oh, Debi - I am so very sorry to hear of your loss.  I am sending you and David some warm hugs and thoughts.

  74. CharlottepowellbrooksMay 09, 2012 6:48 PM

    this is so sad, our pets are our family. Love to you both.

  75. my deepest sympathy!  You were a gift to each other.

  76. How astonishingly lacking in self awareness you are. How egotistical, lacking in wit and humanity. What an utterly ghastly human being you appear to be. Well,as long as you think you're god's gift, nothing else matters does it?
    Glad I've never met you. I can't imagine being so bored that I would be force to listen to your inane drivel.

  77. I'm so sorry to hear about your Ebi!  We lost our own cat last week, so I understand where you are.  It's not easy, and words don't help - but try to cherish the memories of how much joy you brought to each other.  Our animals can truly become family, and saying goodbye is so hard.  Hugs to you!

  78. I'm so very sorry for your loss. You and yours will be in my thoughts.

  79. It's a very hard thing, to say goodbye to these creatures of our hearts and homes.  I'm so sorry.

  80. I'm so sorry to hear you've lost your bit of sunshine.  We lost our beautiful Old English Sheepdog, Moses, last month, so I understand how lonely and empty a house can be without our constant companions.  A big hug to you.

  81. Sorry to hear for your loss. Losing pets is like losing a best friend and it's so hard to say goodbye. 

  82. oow..so sad about that...:(((

  83. Suzanna WilsonMay 11, 2012 10:24 AM

    Oh I'm so sorry to hear this. She was really beautiful. Sending hugs xxx

  84. sorry for your loss :( am sure her big beautiful eyes are looking at you from kitty heaven

  85. I'm so sorry, Debi.  Ebi was a very lucky cat to have had such a loving home.

  86. Janene SpencerMay 13, 2012 6:28 PM

    Oh my... Debi... so sad. What a sweet cat. I can't imagine how devastated you are. I clearly didn't have the pleasure of meeting Ebi but this news has still brought a tear to my eye xxxxx


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