Friday, September 24, 2010

More color inspiration: chrome yellow and harvest brown

Two more photos for inspiring fall colors. The first is chrome yellow:

Isn't that a fantastic shade of yellow?

The second is harvest brown:

One of the shades I am thinking about for Autumn sewing is actually somewhere between these two--sort of a burnt orange or pumpkin color.

What colors are inspiring you this Autumn?


  1. I really like the top photograph. You'd look great in an outfit like that one. I like the pumpkin colour as well.

    The nightgown pattern I ordered for you arrived yesterday, and you have a few that you bought waiting for you.
    Haste ye back my love.

  2. The yellow is beautiful - a perfect colour for you. I also love the pumpkin / burnt orange colour.

    Red is always a favourite colour for me. It's popping up quite a bit in my fall projects. :)

  3. I'm loving the color of the plane she's leaning on! I need some shocking pink accessories for sure.

    I like a pretty pumpkin for Fall which I think would be lovely on you. You look like someone who can pull off most any color.

    I bought a pumpkin linen to make a drapey forties suit with. I love yellow, but unfortunately it washes me out.

  4. I love that top photo as well! These yellow/red combos are really pretty. And I love burnt orange! I can't wear it, but everyone around me (mother, daughter, husband) seems to look fantastic in it. I think it would great on you based on the colors you wear.

  5. I adore orange but I can only wear it in small doses with splashes of blue. Otherwise I look ill and washed out. Yellow also doesn't love me unless it is sunflower bright!
    Aren't those the colors on that Simplicity repro from which you made your 1940s pants/top?

  6. I love the second photo! As a matter of fact, my autumn wardrobe is based on this colour, gold, coffee and red, with several splashes of animal prints thrown in.


I read each and every comment--thank you so much!

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